With the Festive Season we are likely to get an influx of undesirable people, so it is timely to remind you to lock away your valuable items and keep a wary eye out for anything out of the ordinary.
There has recently been cash and a cell phone stolen out of a car in Calder Road and a house burglary in Loop Road. Unfortunately the offenders were not seen.
If you are leaving your property unattended for any length of time, please ensure your mail is cleared regularly or stopped and lawns mowed in your absence. Make sure you stop your paper delivery.
Judith and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Lyall Beuth
Ph 3628 459
There has recently been cash and a cell phone stolen out of a car in Calder Road and a house burglary in Loop Road. Unfortunately the offenders were not seen.
If you are leaving your property unattended for any length of time, please ensure your mail is cleared regularly or stopped and lawns mowed in your absence. Make sure you stop your paper delivery.
Judith and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Lyall Beuth
Ph 3628 459