Unfortunately the spring wild weather and wind has made these sessions few and far between. Here’s hoping for a long settled summer.
Subscriptions 2014/2015 Year:
The new season’s subs (due as at 1 October) remain at $100 for the whole family. Payment is requested into the account of the Club as Westpac Bank account number 03 – 1552 – 0130369 – 00. It is essential you e-mail confirmation of the deposit to avoid any unidentified deposits. It is also necessary for you to include in your e-mail current contact details including mail, telephone and e-mail details.
The lock for the courts has been changed. If you have paid your subs and have yet to receive a key contact one of the numbers below. Most keys should have been distributed by now.
Spring coaching for children:
The coaching for children now finishes on 12 December. Henry has a different format planned for the last session. There will be a final day on 12 December with Henry. The cost for the eight weeks has been set at the reduced cost of $40per child and payment is due now.
Club House Alterations
The Club House is to be extended. A working bee is scheduled for the second weekend of term one in 2015. Workers that weekend are welcome especially those with building skills. You can see the proposed extension on the LOCA site http://www.lakeokareka.org/tennis-club. Any comments or suggestions are welcome.
Weekly Tennis:
Weekly adult tennis is underway each Wednesday from 5.45 pm. A range of playing abilities are displayed and any players are welcome.
Contacts for the Tennis club: John 362 8282; Hongli 362 8106; Gert 362 8835 or [email protected]