Although there was no poisoning undertaken in 2012, volunteers were still busy in the reserve. Alternate bait stations were removed from lines 2–13 giving a uniform 100m x 100m grid throughout the reserve. Lines were all trimmed and some were realigned in places. Some parts of the Ridge track and Saddle track were also realigned. These changes have all been GPSed and Bay of Plenty Regional Council is in the process of doing new maps for us.
This year we will bait again. The toxins to be used will again be Pindone and Feratox (cyanide). There is a possibility of using Feratox Strikers instead of Feratox capsulated pellets. These may be more effective against wallabies which won’t put their heads in the bait stations. Controlled Substance Licences will be renewed and a Refresher First Aid course may be available for those whose certificates have expired.
Bird monitoring took place in November with results in the process of being compiled by First Word in Fauna.
The Department of Conservation has completed re-measuring the Lake Tikitapu Scenic Reserve Mistletoe Foliar Browse Lines which were set up at the start of the Tikitapu Mistletoe Restoration project, to monitor changes in the health and abundance of mistletoe species in the reserve as a result of ongoing pest control. These were last re-measured in 2007. Official results are being compiled. Meantime there is clear anecdotal evidence of an increase in density and distribution of mistletoe. Most plants are new and are spreading in the pest control area linking the Ōkāreka and Tikitapu mistletoe populations.
The roster for checking the Nature and Mistletoe walks each month has worked well and will continue this year. The complete programme for 2013 will be emailed to volunteers once it is finalised. Meantime there will be working bees to start clearing and trimming the lines on Friday 14 & Sunday 16 June, Sunday 21 & Monday 22 July, Friday 16 & Saturday 17 August. This project would not happen without our volunteers. Thank you to all who have been involved last year and we look forward to another successful pest control year in 2013. New volunteers are always welcome. If anyone is interested in being involved in the pest control programme, or going on the roster to check the Nature and Mistletoe walks please let me know.
Frances Blakely
Ph 3628 480
Email: [email protected]
This year we will bait again. The toxins to be used will again be Pindone and Feratox (cyanide). There is a possibility of using Feratox Strikers instead of Feratox capsulated pellets. These may be more effective against wallabies which won’t put their heads in the bait stations. Controlled Substance Licences will be renewed and a Refresher First Aid course may be available for those whose certificates have expired.
Bird monitoring took place in November with results in the process of being compiled by First Word in Fauna.
The Department of Conservation has completed re-measuring the Lake Tikitapu Scenic Reserve Mistletoe Foliar Browse Lines which were set up at the start of the Tikitapu Mistletoe Restoration project, to monitor changes in the health and abundance of mistletoe species in the reserve as a result of ongoing pest control. These were last re-measured in 2007. Official results are being compiled. Meantime there is clear anecdotal evidence of an increase in density and distribution of mistletoe. Most plants are new and are spreading in the pest control area linking the Ōkāreka and Tikitapu mistletoe populations.
The roster for checking the Nature and Mistletoe walks each month has worked well and will continue this year. The complete programme for 2013 will be emailed to volunteers once it is finalised. Meantime there will be working bees to start clearing and trimming the lines on Friday 14 & Sunday 16 June, Sunday 21 & Monday 22 July, Friday 16 & Saturday 17 August. This project would not happen without our volunteers. Thank you to all who have been involved last year and we look forward to another successful pest control year in 2013. New volunteers are always welcome. If anyone is interested in being involved in the pest control programme, or going on the roster to check the Nature and Mistletoe walks please let me know.
Frances Blakely
Ph 3628 480
Email: [email protected]