This year we are not doing any baiting in the Tikitapu reserve in order to prevent any bait shyness developing in the target species and to reduce the chance of any build up of toxin in the ground. This was decided following advice from the Department of Conservation and the Bay of Plenty Regional Council.
There is still a programme of working bees to keep the lines maintained, and to clean the bait stations, interpretate signs, and plant identification labels. Working bees commenced in July and good progress has been made with the unused bait stations now removed. Also a few of the lines and the Ridge track have had areas realigned. A lot of the area has been GPSed and new maps are to be produced showing the new bait station numbers and spacing at the Okareka end of the reserve.
Rat and possum monitoring will be done in October and repeated early in 2013. The bird counts will be repeated in November. There is also the possibility of volunteers being involved in foliage browse index monitoring and bait monitoring.
Please make a note of the following programme for 2012. We are continuing to have both a week and weekend day.
October Sunday 14th and Monday 15th
and if needed
November Friday 23rd and Sunday 25th
For further details about the project and how you may help, please contact:
Frances and James Blakely
Ph 3628 480
Email [email protected]
There is still a programme of working bees to keep the lines maintained, and to clean the bait stations, interpretate signs, and plant identification labels. Working bees commenced in July and good progress has been made with the unused bait stations now removed. Also a few of the lines and the Ridge track have had areas realigned. A lot of the area has been GPSed and new maps are to be produced showing the new bait station numbers and spacing at the Okareka end of the reserve.
Rat and possum monitoring will be done in October and repeated early in 2013. The bird counts will be repeated in November. There is also the possibility of volunteers being involved in foliage browse index monitoring and bait monitoring.
Please make a note of the following programme for 2012. We are continuing to have both a week and weekend day.
October Sunday 14th and Monday 15th
and if needed
November Friday 23rd and Sunday 25th
For further details about the project and how you may help, please contact:
Frances and James Blakely
Ph 3628 480
Email [email protected]