We recently held a special morning tea and teddy bear story time to celebrate Matariki. As part of these celebrations the children are sharing how their name was chosen and the family history behind it. We have begun learning about family cultures and linking Maori legends to developing our own art.
Parent’s evening
As part of our Fundraising this year we held our second parent evening to make beeswax kai wraps. This was also a time to create peach and ginger jam from our earlier peaches crop. It’s sure to be delicious. Both the kai wraps and jam will be on sale at this year’s Tarawera Spring Fair.
Playgroup each Tuesday
Our Playgroup is now offered weekly. This is open to families who would like to come and visit the Preschool We ask parents to come in and meet other parent’s who will soon be enrolling children at Preschool. The children are transitioning well into Preschool once they have participated in our Playgroup time. If you know of anyone in the area or would be interested in coming in for a visit feel free to pop in or give us a call soon. Playgroup times are 9.30 -11.30
Hall Bookings
For all hall bookings please contact Debbie at Preschool 362 8606
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