We will be doing this work to try to keep on top of the weeds which have benefited from the wet and warm summer conditions.
Landcare Okareka Volunteers working at Boyes beach, Millar Road, Lake Okareka on Saturday 27th February 2016. From left to right: Ian Stuart, Elli Walter, Rod Stace, Mike Goodwin, Steffen Lotzmann (sitting), Christine Caughey, Sam Lusk, Brian Law. Photo taken by Sandra Goodwin Once conditions become right for planting, damp and cool - and the plants from the nurseries are big enough to put in - we will be carrying out more planting in various reserves, as we usually do. One of the areas that we would like to replant this winter are the gardens on either side of the Lake Okareka Community Hall. There will also be plenty of scope for planting along the new walking track from Boyes beach to the DOC camp, once the track is completed.
If you are keen to help with any Landcare Okareka working bees, we would appreciate any time that you have to spare. Working Bees will continue to happen on the 4th Saturday of the month (unless otherwise notified). Watch out for the sign boards to go up - and please feel free to come and help.
Sandra Goodwin
Landcare Okareka
Phone 3628 865 or email [email protected]