Landcare Okareka volunteers assisted by volunteers from Lake Tarawera and Rotorua Forest & Bird members carried out a planting of approximately 1,400 native plants around the Tarawera Road transfer and recycling station. This working bee was held on the morning of Saturday 27th August 2016. This was a very successful Working Bee attended by a large number of people.
It is very disappointing to report that there has been some mindless vandalism done to the shade shelter along the Lake Okareka Walkway. The shade shelter has been there since June 2005, and no vandalism of note has been reported since it was built over 10 years ago - until now! Damage has been done to the roof of the shelter, using track marker posts which were wrenched out of the ground. These were taken to the shade shelter and have been driven up through the onduline roof in several places, creating large unsightly holes in the roof. If anyone knows anything about this vandalism, please report it to Rotorua Lakes Council 348 4199 or to Rotorua Police Station 348 0099.
If you are keen to help with any Landcare Okareka working bees, we would appreciate any time that you have to spare. Working Bees will continue to happen on the 4th Saturday of the month (unless otherwise notified). Watch out for the sign boards to go up - and please feel free to come and help.
Sandra Goodwin
Landcare Okareka
362 8865
[email protected]