Since the previous report in March 2016, work has continued on Stage 1 of the Lake Okareka Walking Track from Boyes beach to the Department of Conservation camp and day amenity area. As reported previously, Owen Builders have been undertaking the construction under contract to Lake Okareka Community Assn of the timber boardwalks. Many people have been going to have a look at the new track taking shape and have commented on the excellent work carried out by John Owen and his team. We would also like to thank Tony and Heather Horton for allowing John to store materials for the track boardwalks at their property. This has certainly allowed John to undertake the work very efficiently. Owen Builders have not yet completed their work. The track is still under construction—and will be even when Owen Builders have finished the boardwalks —and people should take care when using the track.
The professional construction of the boardwalks has been made possible by several grants received by Lake Okareka Community Assn. The funders were The Sovereign Trust Ltd, The Four Winds Foundation Ltd, Southern Trust, and Rotorua Energy Charitable Trust. We thank all of these funding bodies for their generous support of this project.
There has also been a major contribution to this work from the volunteer efforts taking care of the Dept of Conservation camp at Millar Road, Lake Okareka. Thank you to those volunteers.
There is still a lot more volunteer work to happen on the track, with a lot more timber edging to be done and around 250T of gravel to be carried in. We would like to thank Dennis Falconer for the use of his barge to carry some of the edging timber to where it was needed along the track. Verda International Ltd have been very supportive towards the project with excellent deals on timber requirements for track edging, pegs, nails, etc.
There will be on going volunteer working bees over the coming months to complete the work on the track. If you are interested to help please contact Sandra or Mike Goodwin 362 8865 or email [email protected] to be added to the volunteer email list.
As I said earlier, the track can be walked, but care needs to be taken when doing so. Work is still happening in places—take care if people are at work and obey any signage that is in place. A large section of the track still does not have gravel on it and the Rotomahana mud layer can be quite slippery when it is wet.
Sandra Goodwin
There has also been a major contribution to this work from the volunteer efforts taking care of the Dept of Conservation camp at Millar Road, Lake Okareka. Thank you to those volunteers.
There is still a lot more volunteer work to happen on the track, with a lot more timber edging to be done and around 250T of gravel to be carried in. We would like to thank Dennis Falconer for the use of his barge to carry some of the edging timber to where it was needed along the track. Verda International Ltd have been very supportive towards the project with excellent deals on timber requirements for track edging, pegs, nails, etc.
There will be on going volunteer working bees over the coming months to complete the work on the track. If you are interested to help please contact Sandra or Mike Goodwin 362 8865 or email [email protected] to be added to the volunteer email list.
As I said earlier, the track can be walked, but care needs to be taken when doing so. Work is still happening in places—take care if people are at work and obey any signage that is in place. A large section of the track still does not have gravel on it and the Rotomahana mud layer can be quite slippery when it is wet.
Sandra Goodwin