The past three months have been very busy for Landcare Okareka volunteers. In September, planting was carried out at an area of Tikitapu Scenic Reserve near the entrance to the Nature Walk. Some planting was also done beside the Mistletoe track. This working bee was a combined one for volunteers from Landcare Okareka, Rotorua branch of Forest & Bird and Rotorua Botanical Society. Forest and Bird purchasd some five finger plants for the area near the Mistletoe Track. These are host plants for the native mistletoe.
In October, Landcare Okareka volunteers carried out a pruning working bee around Lake Okareka settlement. We tidied up the area around the school bus stops, especially the one near Benn Road. We also tidied up the plantings at the Lake Okareka Walkway entrance along to Longfords farm entrance. We also did some pruning back of plants and trees along footpaths around the village.
Thanks to Mark Paget at Rotorua District Council for providing a mulcher to deal with the prunings. All of the mulch was spread on the plantings beside the sewerage pump station.
The last working bee for the year in November was held at the Department of Conservation camp and beach area along Millar Road, where once again pruning and generally tidying up was the objective. Our thanks to Tony Horton for allowing us to temporarily leave the prunings on his land until we can organise the mulcher for these prunings as well.
We would like to acknowledge and thank the Lake Okareka children and their parents who undertook a litter collection around Lake Okareka in November – well done!
Many of you who use the Lake Okareka Walkway will be aware that large stock piles of gravel have been made recently for on going future track maintenance. Our thanks to Clark McCarthy from RDC for organising this to happen. Thanks also to the Playne family and the farm manager for assisting with this.
I would like to wish everyone a happy and safe Christmas and New Year. Please make the most of our beautiful surroundings over the summer.
There will be more Working Bees in 2014, around Lake if you would like to help, watch out for the sign boards and come along. You will be most welcome.
Sandra Goodwin
07 362 8865
Landcare Okareka - Winner of Bay of Plenty Region Weedbusters Award 2012-2013
In October, Landcare Okareka volunteers carried out a pruning working bee around Lake Okareka settlement. We tidied up the area around the school bus stops, especially the one near Benn Road. We also tidied up the plantings at the Lake Okareka Walkway entrance along to Longfords farm entrance. We also did some pruning back of plants and trees along footpaths around the village.
Thanks to Mark Paget at Rotorua District Council for providing a mulcher to deal with the prunings. All of the mulch was spread on the plantings beside the sewerage pump station.
The last working bee for the year in November was held at the Department of Conservation camp and beach area along Millar Road, where once again pruning and generally tidying up was the objective. Our thanks to Tony Horton for allowing us to temporarily leave the prunings on his land until we can organise the mulcher for these prunings as well.
We would like to acknowledge and thank the Lake Okareka children and their parents who undertook a litter collection around Lake Okareka in November – well done!
Many of you who use the Lake Okareka Walkway will be aware that large stock piles of gravel have been made recently for on going future track maintenance. Our thanks to Clark McCarthy from RDC for organising this to happen. Thanks also to the Playne family and the farm manager for assisting with this.
I would like to wish everyone a happy and safe Christmas and New Year. Please make the most of our beautiful surroundings over the summer.
There will be more Working Bees in 2014, around Lake if you would like to help, watch out for the sign boards and come along. You will be most welcome.
Sandra Goodwin
07 362 8865
Landcare Okareka - Winner of Bay of Plenty Region Weedbusters Award 2012-2013