Landcare Okareka volunteers have spent the past few months undertaking several different kinds of Working Bees since the start of 2013. Thank you to everyone who has come along to help with these. The Working Bee in February saw LO volunteers complete the gravelling of the upper section of the new walking rack from Ridge Road down to Loop Road. Now that there has been some rain, the track seems to have compacted well and it is getting lots of use.
Thanks to the Justice Department teams of workers for helping with spreading the gravel, to Guy Gaddum for carting and later rolling the track surface, to Elizabeth Wood, Roading Engineer from RDC for her help, to Rotorua Quarries for supplying the gravel at no charge, and to all of the Landcare Okareka volunteers who helped in any way with this project – a great team effort!
In March the LO Volunteers travelled down to the area near the shade shelter, along the Lake Okareka Walkway by way of Dennis Falconer's barge (Thank you Dennis for the loan of the barge – it is of great assistance with these working bees along the walkway). We went to try to build some low rock walls to protect the lake banks, especially near the shade shelter. The high lake levels have eroded the banks in many areas around the lake. Let's hope this work will help in future.
April's Working Bee found Landcare Okareka volunteers working in the Taumaihi Reserve, at the end of Acacia Road. Representatives from Landcare Okareka had spoken to Dept of Conservation Flora Ranger in the Rotorua Lakes Area office, Paul Cashmore, and to the Lebua Lake Lodge Manager Mon, to get permission to undertake weed control work here. We were working in the lakeside margins of the mown area, where weeds like jasmine, montbretia, broom and cotoneatser were taking over. This is just the beginning of more work that will be carried out over the coming year or so, once the weather warms up again.
Some Landcare Okareka volunteers also assisted the Castlecorp arborist team to take down and remove some dead kamahi trees along the walkway, near the Remembrance Grove. Once again we had the use of Dennis Falconer's barge. Many thanks again to Dennis for the use of the barge.
Now we are in winter, planting tasks take precedent. We have re-planted toilet gardens at Boyes beach and Acacia Road – and built a path to those toilets. We will be working on the toilet gardens at Steep Street reserve and the bush line toilets at Lake Tikitapu. If you would like to help watch out for the sign boards and come along. You will be most welcome.
Thanks to the Justice Department teams of workers for helping with spreading the gravel, to Guy Gaddum for carting and later rolling the track surface, to Elizabeth Wood, Roading Engineer from RDC for her help, to Rotorua Quarries for supplying the gravel at no charge, and to all of the Landcare Okareka volunteers who helped in any way with this project – a great team effort!
In March the LO Volunteers travelled down to the area near the shade shelter, along the Lake Okareka Walkway by way of Dennis Falconer's barge (Thank you Dennis for the loan of the barge – it is of great assistance with these working bees along the walkway). We went to try to build some low rock walls to protect the lake banks, especially near the shade shelter. The high lake levels have eroded the banks in many areas around the lake. Let's hope this work will help in future.
April's Working Bee found Landcare Okareka volunteers working in the Taumaihi Reserve, at the end of Acacia Road. Representatives from Landcare Okareka had spoken to Dept of Conservation Flora Ranger in the Rotorua Lakes Area office, Paul Cashmore, and to the Lebua Lake Lodge Manager Mon, to get permission to undertake weed control work here. We were working in the lakeside margins of the mown area, where weeds like jasmine, montbretia, broom and cotoneatser were taking over. This is just the beginning of more work that will be carried out over the coming year or so, once the weather warms up again.
Some Landcare Okareka volunteers also assisted the Castlecorp arborist team to take down and remove some dead kamahi trees along the walkway, near the Remembrance Grove. Once again we had the use of Dennis Falconer's barge. Many thanks again to Dennis for the use of the barge.
Now we are in winter, planting tasks take precedent. We have re-planted toilet gardens at Boyes beach and Acacia Road – and built a path to those toilets. We will be working on the toilet gardens at Steep Street reserve and the bush line toilets at Lake Tikitapu. If you would like to help watch out for the sign boards and come along. You will be most welcome.