Landcare Volunteers have had a very busy few months undertaking winter plantings. These plantings have
been done in the following areas:
We still have some more pohutukawa plants to plant out in the area near the shade shelter, to replace some of the kowhai that are not doing very well. The pohutukawa plants that LO put in this area last year are doing really well. So we thought we would continue with this plant replacement programme.
Landcare Okareka hopes to hold litter pick ups within the settlement and roads leading into Lake Okareka during "Keep New Zealand Beautiful" week 14th September to 20th September 2015. We will send an email out to ask for help with this. Mostly the settlement area is quite tidy as far as litter is concerned.
We are concerned though to observe that some property owners/occupiers at Lake Okareka have been leaving garden prunings on roadsides outside their property, or dumping garden waste into reserves, rights-of-way or onto next door neighbours’ land. Please think twice before you do this! Dumping of garden waste on public land is actually an offence that attracts a fine from Dept of Conservation or the District Council! This is how garden plants (like "wandering willie" or Tradescantia) become problem weeds in reserves. Some volunteers are spending a lot of time and resources in trying to control and eliminate weeds in local reserves. Please don't be a community member who adds to these problems.
If you are keen to help with any Landcare Okareka working bees, we would appreciate any time that you have to spare. Working Bees will continue to happen on the 4th Saturday of the month (unless otherwise notified). Watch out for the sign boards to go up - and please feel free to come and help.
Sandra Goodwin
Landcare Okareka
Phone 362 8865
Email [email protected]
been done in the following areas:
- Taumaihi reserve, at the end of Acacia Road
- An area along the lake outlet canal for Bay of Plenty Regional Council following the replacement of the Lake Okareka outlet pipeline in the reserve at the start of the Lake Okareka walkway
- Opposite Benn Road in Tikitapu Scenic Reserve - this was a joint Landcare Okareka, Rotorua Forest & Bird and Rotorua Botanical Society planting working bee of around 1000 plants provided by Bay of Plenty Regional
- Council and Department of Conservation - plants were all in the ground in 2 1/2 hours and that time included a morning tea break!
- In the reserve area near the entrance to the DOC camp, Millar Road.
We still have some more pohutukawa plants to plant out in the area near the shade shelter, to replace some of the kowhai that are not doing very well. The pohutukawa plants that LO put in this area last year are doing really well. So we thought we would continue with this plant replacement programme.
Landcare Okareka hopes to hold litter pick ups within the settlement and roads leading into Lake Okareka during "Keep New Zealand Beautiful" week 14th September to 20th September 2015. We will send an email out to ask for help with this. Mostly the settlement area is quite tidy as far as litter is concerned.
We are concerned though to observe that some property owners/occupiers at Lake Okareka have been leaving garden prunings on roadsides outside their property, or dumping garden waste into reserves, rights-of-way or onto next door neighbours’ land. Please think twice before you do this! Dumping of garden waste on public land is actually an offence that attracts a fine from Dept of Conservation or the District Council! This is how garden plants (like "wandering willie" or Tradescantia) become problem weeds in reserves. Some volunteers are spending a lot of time and resources in trying to control and eliminate weeds in local reserves. Please don't be a community member who adds to these problems.
If you are keen to help with any Landcare Okareka working bees, we would appreciate any time that you have to spare. Working Bees will continue to happen on the 4th Saturday of the month (unless otherwise notified). Watch out for the sign boards to go up - and please feel free to come and help.
Sandra Goodwin
Landcare Okareka
Phone 362 8865
Email [email protected]