Lake Okareka Community Association is in need of more volunteers to help look after the Department of Conservation camp up Millar Road. If you have no morning commitments such as work or young children, from 7.30am for about an hour, we would appreciate hearing from you if you are able to offer your support – or if you are able to help with the evening shift from around 6.30 - 7.00pm to about 7.30 - 8.00 pm. We
would love to hear from you.
Both “shifts” involve “checking in” campers and making sure they have all paid, checking and cleaning toilets, picking up any rubbish or litter and just keeping an eye on the place. LOCA DOC Camp volunteers are offered some form of reward in recognition for their efforts. We find it easier to work in teams of 2 people, and the teams are usually rostered on for a week at a time, but we do have some flexibility with others filling in if the current camp wardens have another engagement for a night in their week that they are rostered “on duty”.
Profits from the camp are going into improvements at the camp and conservation activities around Lake Okareka. In the last 12 months LOCA has paid a local contractor to lower and re-surface the camp sites. This has been much appreciated by campers – having more level sites. There has also been much less erosion from the camp sites of fine dusty material onto the roadway at the camp – this is appreciated by campers and camp wardens alike! Money is also going into the pest trapping project around the lake edges. A large project which will take a lot of the funds raised by the camp is the establishment of the new walking track between Boyes beach and the DOC camp up Millar Road.
This walking track project was envisaged by DOC staff when the campground agreement between Lake Okareka Community Association and DOC was signed off.
If you are interested to help with this activity – or would like to know more please contact Sandra Goodwin 362 8865 or Geoff Palmer 3628 379.
would love to hear from you.
Both “shifts” involve “checking in” campers and making sure they have all paid, checking and cleaning toilets, picking up any rubbish or litter and just keeping an eye on the place. LOCA DOC Camp volunteers are offered some form of reward in recognition for their efforts. We find it easier to work in teams of 2 people, and the teams are usually rostered on for a week at a time, but we do have some flexibility with others filling in if the current camp wardens have another engagement for a night in their week that they are rostered “on duty”.
Profits from the camp are going into improvements at the camp and conservation activities around Lake Okareka. In the last 12 months LOCA has paid a local contractor to lower and re-surface the camp sites. This has been much appreciated by campers – having more level sites. There has also been much less erosion from the camp sites of fine dusty material onto the roadway at the camp – this is appreciated by campers and camp wardens alike! Money is also going into the pest trapping project around the lake edges. A large project which will take a lot of the funds raised by the camp is the establishment of the new walking track between Boyes beach and the DOC camp up Millar Road.
This walking track project was envisaged by DOC staff when the campground agreement between Lake Okareka Community Association and DOC was signed off.
If you are interested to help with this activity – or would like to know more please contact Sandra Goodwin 362 8865 or Geoff Palmer 3628 379.