We are going through the normal spring and early summer quiet period with not many catches. Our stats to date since September 2013 are: 452 man hours, 721 rats, 125 hedgehogs, 28 mustelids & 2 cats.
We have not been idle and have been looking at new ways to attract and kill predators. After listening to a radio program the other week we heard about a trapping outfit called Zero Invasive Predators (ZIP) who extended the length of their traps to make them more tunnel like. Evidently this doubled the catch rate. Not wishing to expend time and money we have modified a couple of traps using some spare down pipe.
We have not been idle and have been looking at new ways to attract and kill predators. After listening to a radio program the other week we heard about a trapping outfit called Zero Invasive Predators (ZIP) who extended the length of their traps to make them more tunnel like. Evidently this doubled the catch rate. Not wishing to expend time and money we have modified a couple of traps using some spare down pipe.
We are waiting to see if we have the same success as the ZIP guys.
We have also got hold of some specific baits for rats and stoats and have been trialling these in place of the usual peanut butter. LOCA has approved the purchase of new traps and these will be deployed on a new trap line along the Boyes Beach wetland.
If you have any questions, suggestions or wish to help please contact Mike Vincent on 0274 781 899
We have also got hold of some specific baits for rats and stoats and have been trialling these in place of the usual peanut butter. LOCA has approved the purchase of new traps and these will be deployed on a new trap line along the Boyes Beach wetland.
If you have any questions, suggestions or wish to help please contact Mike Vincent on 0274 781 899