Thank you to everyone who came and helped with the in fill planting in the area above the pump station on Lake Okareka Loop Road and also in the Lake Tikitapu Scenic Reserve. Thank you also to Maddie and Hunter Potter and their dad Ian for coming and selecting your plants (purchased with the $90 which you donated to Landcare Okareka) at the Nursery (Treeline at Kaharoa) and then coming to help plant the trees on Sunday afternoon before school went back.
Now for some thing really exciting! Those of you who came to help last working bee will already know a little about this. On Sunday 18th August 2013 the "Country Calendar" television programme team are coming to film Landcare Okareka volunteers planting in the Lake Okareka Scenic Reserve in the area above the sewerage pump station off Loop Road.
We kept back approx 70 plants from last month's working bee and we also kept an area available to have some infill planting. The reason that Country Calendar are coming is because they are making a programme about Diane Colman and her nursery Treeline at Kaharoa. Some of you may have read in local papers that Diane and her business Treeline recently won the NZ Rural Women's national award for Rural Women in Business.
Treeline Nursery at Kaharoa is where all of the plants come from that Bay of Plenty Regional Council provide for LO volunteers to plant - and many that come from RDC also come from Diane's nursery. Over the years that would amount to many 100's if not 1000's of plants. Diane included Landcare Okareka in her talk that she made about her business to Rural Women NZ. So that is why Landcare Okareka has been included...
This will probably not be a very "real" working bee - if you get my meaning - probably quite posed - but we would welcome a good number of volunteers coming to take part, especially our regulars...
So keep Sunday 18th August free and meet at the sewerage pump station on Loop Road from around 1.00 pm.
All the usual things like suitable clothing and foot wear. Bring your planting spade and gardening gloves.
We will have water and morning tea available.
BUT this time could you please let me know if you are coming - either email[email protected] or phone 362 8865. I am not too sure if there is a Plan B if it is wet, so knowing who is thinking about coming could be useful if anything changes.
Kind regards
Sandra Goodwin
Landcare Okareka