Further monitoring of Lake Ōkāreka is planned for April 2016. Budget allocated by LINZ for the control of aquatic pest plants has been put aside, should any infestations become apparent and require control.
Native aquatic plants have been steadily self-regenerating in areas of the lake previously treated with herbicide to remove pest plants. The native plants appear to be growing from seeds that were dormant in the lake. Their regeneration is having a positive effect on aquatic pest plant control by limiting pest plants from re-establishing.
Help keep hornwort and other aquatic pests out of the lake: always check your trailer and anchor well and chain for any aquatic plant fragments before you enter the lake and when you exit. Remove any plant fragments that you pull up with your anchor and chain straight away or at the boat ramp before you head home. Find out more about aquatic pests and Bay of Plenty Regional Council‘s work to manage them at www.boprc.govt.nz/aquaticpests.
Hamish Lass, Land Management Officer - Biosecurity (Terrestrial and Aquatic pests)
Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Rotorua, New Zealand
Phone: 0800 884 881 x7580
Web: www.boprc.govt.nz
Email: [email protected]