Thank you to everyone who came and helped with last month's Working Bee on the track. It was a great working bee with a lot of work completed and good progress made.
This month's Lake Okareka Walking Track Working Bee will be held on Saturday 8th October 2016 from 9 amwhen there will be a Health and Safety talk before starting work.
Please park in the public car park area at Boyes beach.
Once again the work will be laying track textiles and covering these with another layer of gravel, along the beach area, between the Millar Road stream and the wetland. We will be using the tractor and trailer to cart the gravel.
Some people may prefer to do some cutting and pasting of small wattles and other weed species.
Children under 15 years who come to help with this Working Bee, must be accompanied by, and under direct supervision of, their parent or guardian.
What to Bring: wear suitable clothing, be prepared for any weather (sun hat and sunscreen, if fine & warm; wet weather gear, if it looks like rain!) gloves, strong footwear, shovel and rake. Bring pruning saw or loppers if you want to do weed work instead. No wheel barrows required. Please bring a drink and a snack.
Hopefully we will see many of you at this Working Bee.
Kind regards
Sandra Goodwin
Lake Okareka Community Assn.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 07 362 8865