First of all many thanks to all of those hard working volunteers who came to help at last month's Working Bee at the DOC camp. Your hard work trimming and tidying up the DOC camp roadway and within the camp was so much appreciated, and the camp looks really tidy now, already for the busy summer season.
THIS MONTH'S WORKING BEE - Saturday 26th November 2016
WHEN: from 9 am
WHERE: meet up at Acacia Road Reserve (along from the jetty and ramp)
WHAT: a general tidy up of reserves and garden areas around Lake Okareka that LO Volunteers look after for the community - before Christmas and now that Rotorua Contracting have done some mowing!
WHAT TO BRING: Please wear suitable clothing, closed toe footwear, bring hi viz jacket - if you have one, sun hat and sunscreen (if it looks hot), water bottle, pruning gear if you have any of these - secateurs, loppers, pruning saw, rake.
We will provide drinking water and cups, and all of the makings for morning tea/coffee.
Give me a call or send an email if you would like more information.
Hoping to see many of you at this Working Bee.
Kind regards
Sandra Goodwin
Landcare Okareka
Phone: 07 362 8865
Email: [email protected]