I hope everyone is keeping warm and well. Thank you to everyone who came along to help with last month's Working Bee, planting near the start of the Lake Okareka walkway, and down the end of Acacia Road and in the Taumaihi Reserve area. All the plants were put in, and look really good in spite of the cold weather we have since had!
THIS MONTH'S WORKING BEE - Saturday 25th July 2015
WHERE: In the Tikitapu Scenic Reserve, Forest & Bird Mistletoe Track area, opposite the Lake Okareka Fire Station on Lake Okareka Loop Road.
WHEN: from 9 am to 12 noon
WHAT: Planting
WHAT TO BRING: suitable clothing (including raincoat and leggings if it looks like rain), strong footwear, gardening gloves and a spade for planting. We will provide morning tea/coffee.Looking forward to seeing many of you on Saturday.
Kind regards,
Sandra Goodwin
Landcare Okareka
Phone: 07 362 8865
Email: [email protected]