First of all thank you to those volunteers who came to the Working Bee last Wednesday evening.
There will be another mid week, after work Lake Okareka Walking Track Working Bee this week. Work will again be from the DOC camp end so please park in the public car park area (not the camping sites!) of the DOC camp located at 226 Millar Road, follow the narrow sealed road into the camp and go straight ahead to the public car parking area, rather than around to the right.
WHEN: Wednesday 2nd December 2015 from 4.30 / 5.00 pm till around 6.00 - 6.30 pm
The second Track Working Bee is Saturday 5th December 2015 - from around 9 am to 12 noon - once again park in the car park at the DOC camp, 226 Millar Road.
For both Working Bees:
Wear suitable clothing, footwear & gardening gloves. Please bring a spade or shovel and a wheel barrow, if you have one. A rake would also be useful. The activity is shifting dirt "from humps to hollows". Bring some water and a snack, if you need one.
If no one is about at the car park please go up the track past the camp toilet block at the far end of the camp and follow the track to the jumping off rock, (quite a bit further on from the big log across the track) until you see where the new track turns off to the right and follow the new track until you find Brian Law and / or Mike Goodwin. Everyone is very welcome.
Kind regards,
Sandra Goodwin