Thank you to those volunteers who have helped to manage the DOC camp over the autumn, winter and early spring - and also to those who have recently began to collect fees and keep a closer eye on the Boyes beach campers. LOCA has a contract with DOC to manage the DOC camp up off Millar Road. LOCA now also has a contract with RDC to manage the camping activities at Boyes beach.
We will soon be back into 2 twice a day checks (morning and evening) at the DOC camp from 1st December - if not before - and we now also have Boyes beach campers to check and collect fees from.
We are in very real need of more volunteer camp wardens to help at both places - it will soon be too much for those people checking the DOC camp in the morning to also check Boyes beach. We have been running week long shifts looking after both places - much easier to organise!
Evening checks each day (usually from about 7 pm) at DOC camp includes checking in campers, recording vehicle registrations, ensuring they have paid fees as well as checking and cleaning (if required) toilets and sinks and picking up any litter - needs 2 people working as a team.
Morning checks each day at DOC camp (from about 7.45 am) includes collecting fees from fees box, recording vehicle details, checking fee envelopes actually have money in them (we have had some empty fee envelopes recently!), checking that all campers have paid, checking and cleaning toilets and sinks and picking up rubbish - needs 2 people
Morning checks each day at Boyes beach (from around 7.45 - 8 am) includes collecting fees from fees box, recording registrations, checking that all campers have paid, making sure all litter is in bins provided. Could be done by 1 person, probably better with 2 for security reasons.
Are you able to help with either camp site? The more people we have helping, the less often you will get a turn.
Please contact Sandra 362 8865 or email [email protected] if you are keen to help - and which shift or which camp you can help with.
We will take you on trial runs and give you help to understand what needs to be done.
Profits from DOC camp are going into conservation projects around Lake Okareka, including the trapping programme around the lake edges to protect dab chicks and other wetland water birds. Money will also be going into the new walking track project.
Profits from Boyes beach camp are tied to the Tarawera Road transfer station and also to support other community groups and projects in the area such as
Lake Okareka Pre School Group and Lake Okareka Rural Fire Force.
Neighbourhood Watch: " Schoolie Parties"
It is also a good idea for everyone to keep their eyes and ears open for "schoolie parties" from now on. Most secondary schools finish school at the end of this coming week - so do not be surprised to see kids setting up for parties in the reserves around the lake. We do not want these to get "out of control". Make sure that the kids know you are aware of them - and if you are at all concerned, please let Rotorua police know. DOC camp wardens have dealt with these in the past at both Boyes beach and the DOC camp - so let some of us know as well, especially if they are at the DOC camp or Boyes beach. There is nothing worse than finding a big mess on a reserve, with a large group of hung over kids and grumpy other campers (because of the noise) the next morning!
Hoping to hear from some of you re-helping at one or both of the campsites over the coming summer.
Kind regards
Sandra Goodwin
LOCA & Landcare Okareka