Lake Okareka Walking Track Working Bee: from 4.30 - 5.00 pm at the DOC camp visitor car park, 226 Millar Road, Lake Okareka.
Please bring spade or grubber and wear covered footwear and gardening gloves. If you have access to a wheel barrow that could be useful....Bring a drink and a snack. We would appreciate what ever assistance we can get with this work...
For more information contact Sandra (07) 362 8865 or email [email protected]
There will also be a Walking Track Working Bee on Saturday 7th March 2015 from 9 am to 12 noon at the DOC camp visitor car park, 226 Millar Road, Lake Okareka.
Please bring spade or grubber and wear covered footwear and gardening gloves. If you have access to a wheel barrow that could be useful....Bring a drink and a snack. We would appreciate what ever assistance we can get with this work...
For more information contact Sandra (07) 362 8865 or email [email protected]