A huge thank you to everyone who came to help with last month's Landcare Okareka working bee, where a lot of tidying up was done along the existing Lake Okareka walkway. The leaves were removed from the drainage channel near the start of the walkway; numerous flaxes were trimmed, along with other plants adjacent to the walkway. A great job!
THIS MONTH'S WORKING BEE : Saturday 28th May 2016
WHERE: Lake Okareka Community Hall, off Okareka Loop Road
WHEN: from 9 am until 12 noon - there will be a Health & Safety briefing and sign in, before starting
WHAT: Planting and mulching - we hope that RLC will be able to come and remove the old existing plantings on either side of the Hall, before Saturday - and bring some mulch in - the weather this week has not been very co-operative, so far...
WHAT TO BRING: suitable clothing, rain gear (as it looks from the weather forecast that it will be wet), gardening gloves, spades, shovel, rake - and if you have one - a wheel barrow (to help shift mulch).
We will bring morning tea and drinking water for everyone.
NB: Please check your emails on the evening of Friday 27th May 2016 - to make sure that this Working Bee is still on.
Kind regards
Sandra Goodwin
Landcare Okareka
Phone: 07 362 8865
Email: [email protected]